IDAC Northern California California Fall Symposium
Saturday, November 2nd, 2024
0730-0830 - Check-in, Breakfast Buffett, Industry Exhibits
0830 - 0840 - Welcome - Dr. Suman Radhakrishna, IDAC President
0840 - 0940 - HIV/STD Topic - Speaker TBD
0940 - 1000 - Break - Industry Exhibits
1000 - 1100 - Top 10 Literature Updates/ID Week Review - Stanley Deresinski, MD - Stanford
1100 - 1200 - Progress in Vaccines - Dr. Jeffrey Silvers - California Immunization Coalition Board
1200 - 1315 - Lunch, Business Meeting, Industry Exhibits
1315 - 1345 - CDPH HAI updates - Dr. Erin Epson, CDPH
1345 - 1445 - What's New in Old Drugs - Antifungals, George Thompson, MD - UC Davis
1445 - 1500 - Break - Industry Exhibits
1500 - 1600 - Infections and sepsis in mechanical heart support and ECMO , Christian Sandrock, MD UC Davis
1600 - 1700 - Current IDSA guidelines on GNR treatment IDSA Acinetobacter - Critical appraisal - controversy Jim Lewis, PharmD, FIDSA - Oregon Health & Science University
1700 - Symposium Ends